Bible preacher, Derek Prince once said that the most important faith declaration for deliverance is this: "When we keep the Feast of Passover, we are making this faith declaration that we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb." The power of Yeshua is in His blood! This is why Satan hates our declaration: He is helpless when we are under the cover of Yeshua's blood.
The enemy has been waging a battle against the celebration of Passover for centuries. We can read how Passover was lost even in Biblical days. When the children of Israel and Judah were unfaithful to the Lord, they stopped celebrating the Passover. When a king who did "what was right in the eyes of the Lord" came to power he would oversee the purification of the temple, re-establish sacrifices and worship and begin the celebration of Passover anew. Such was the case during the reign of Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 30:2-5) and Josiah. (2 Kings 23:21-23) The restoration of Passover celebrations brought the power of the blood back to the people and restored their relationship with God and blessings from Him. Sadly, the church also gave up the celebration of Passover. Look back to the 4th century and see how Emperor Constantine made it illegal to celebrate Passover and changed the date for the celebration of the Lord's resurrection to the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. The Roman church was pressured by the government to discontinue celebrating Passover, and they followed the mandate. I believe that is why many churches have lost their power in the world today. God delivered His people from bondage in Egypt and said to them: "The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you...This is a day you are to commemorate; for generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance." (Exodus 12:13-14) It was the blood of the Passover lamb that protected the children of Israel from the destroyer. Each family selected a spotless lamb on the 10th of Nisan. Only lambs from Bethlehem could serve as Passover lambs. After obtaining their lamb, a family would come down the Mount of Olives and enter Jerusalem through the Sheep Gate. How appropriate it is that on the 10th of Nisan Jesus, born in Bethlehem, came down the Mount of Olives and entered Jerusalem through the Sheep Gate! Today we call this Palm Sunday and remember how the crowds of people shouted "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the King of Israel." (John 12:13) Just as the lambs for Passover had to be inspected for any imperfections, Jesus was examined by the Pharisees and Sadducees at the temple. They could find no fault with Him as they attempted to trap Him with their questions. When Jesus arrived at the Temple, He cast out the money changers to cleanse His Father's house. Today, part of the Passover preparation includes removing all leaven (representing sin) from the home. A candle is used to search for any impurities. On the 14th of Nisan the lambs were taken to the altar for public display and then bound to it at 9:00 am. As the lambs were being bound, Jesus, our Passover Lamb, was nailed to the Cross at Calvary. At 3:00 pm the high priest cut the throat of the sacrificial lamb and declared, "It is finished!" Both the sacrificial lambs and our Passover Lamb poured out their blood at the same time. And Jesus also declared at 3:00 pm, "It is finished!" The Greek meaning for this is, "The debt has been paid in full." At the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, when He approached John the Baptist, John said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) The blood shed by our Passover Lamb was placed across the doorposts of our hearts to stop judgment and death and provide redemption. As it says in Leviticus 17:11, "Without the shedding of blood, there is no atonement." We should meditate on the truth that the blood of the lamb that protected the Israelites from the destroyer was a precursor to the blood of our Passover Lamb, Yeshua, that continuously protects us from the destroyer of our souls. (1 John 1:7) Let us declare, “I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb out of the hand of the enemy." |
Joan E. MathiasCategories
January 2025