How blessed we are to have founding Fathers whose prayers helped establish America. Since our President’s Day celebration just passed, I thought it would be fitting to honor our first president, George Washington. Breaking Christian News did so by quoting from Eddie Hyatt's book, 1726: The Year that Defined America. Hyatt is an historian, Bible teacher, and revivalist who has tracked America's leaders and recorded their sayings as they pertain to God and the Bible. He floats the theory that the only reason the American troops were able to defeat the British was because of prayer. Washington was given a seemingly impossible task to challenge the British militia with his band of rag-tag soldiers. In his book, Hyatt says "Washington knew his only hope lay in a profound conviction in the hearts and daily actions of all his men that what they did, they did for God, and under God's protection." (Hyatt, pg. 114)
The American soldiers were united around the altar of prayer daily. In fact, Washington issued an order stating that each day would begin with prayer led by the officers. Again, I quote Hyatt: "Every soldier was to observe a punctual attendance of Divine services, to implore the blessing of Heaven upon the means for our safety and public defense." Apparently, Washington was insistent that every soldier attend daily prayer but also, they were forbidden the following: profanity, swearing, gambling, and drunkenness. His rational for this is written about by Hyatt: "We can have little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our arms if we insult Him by our impiety and folly. Every officer and man will endeavor so as to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier." When Washington and his men had their long, cold, tiring winter at Valley Forge, they were visited by Rev. Henry Muhlenberg, the pastor of a nearby Lutheran Church. Muhlenberg noted that Washington "admonished" his men "to fear God." He goes on: "This gentleman does not belong to the so-called world of society, for he respects God's Word, believes in the atonement through Christ, and bears himself in humility and gentleness. It appears that the Lord God has singularly, yea marvelously, preserved him from harm in the midst of countless peril...and hath hitherto graciously held him in His hand as His chosen vessel." (Hyatt, pg. 115) Visitors to Washington's camps confirmed that he made a habit of going into the woods for a time of prayer with the Almighty. It would be good for us to remember that not only did Washington and his troops pray, but when the Continental Congress opened, each of their sessions started with prayer. In addition, proclamations for national days of repentance, and prayer, and fasting were regularly issued. It is God alone who brought victory to the American Troops and brought about the surrender of British General Cornwallis on October 19, 1783. What an example we have to follow through George Washington! How has America fallen so far from the vision of our founding fathers? There are times, when I pray for others, that I point out the following: "You can tell the greatness of the call on their lives by the fierceness of the attack on them." This is true of America, and that God placed a call on our nation to be an example to all the world of what a godly nation should look like. Because of this call, the forces of darkness have targeted us for destruction, and waged a campaign to destroy us. We are in a battle for the very call on our lives. This battle can only be won as we return to God's call on our nation and our godly foundations. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 admonishes us, "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." If George Washington won the Revolutionary War through prayer, the Christian community can win the war against the darkness and be reestablished as a saved nation. Let us keep praying for our nation, as prayer is the weapon of our warfare that will transform the world. High in the San Bernadino Mountains their sits a 120'-high Ponderosa Pine. From the top of the tree is a commanding view of the river below and the tree-covered hills that surround it. In the crook of the large branches there sits a huge eagle’s nest that is about 5'6" across and 6' deep. A twelve-year old female, who the locals have named Jackie, has been laying eggs and tending to them with her partner, Shadow, since 2018. Yearly they return to their nest to do some renovations before it is egg-laying time. This year the couple is sitting on three eggs: one laid on January 25, one on January 28, and one on January 31. Scientists tell us that the first egg may hatch on February 29, Leap Day.
Early in the month, the snowstorm that hit the San Bernadino area presented quite a challenge to Jackie. Those who constantly watch the Cam pointed to the nest show us that she rose to the occasion. For 62 hours, Jackie never left the nest. Periodically, Shadow brought her a fish from the river below. We are told that an eagle has about 7,000 outer feathers plus down under them. This combination is what keeps Jackie's body and the eggs she sits on warm and protected. After the eggs hatch, the babies will remain in the nest for about three months. At this point, the mother will nudge the babies out of the nest and teach them how to soar on the wind currents and catch food. The mother is instrumental in teaching the eagles how to fly and hunt. She will hover over the nest to show them what they were created to do. The mother eagles' demonstration is meant to encourage her young ones in their God-given abilities. We, like the eaglets, have also been made by God for a specific role in life. In addition, for us to fulfill our potential while we are on the earth, we must know our identity in Christ. One of the most well-known Scriptures about eagles comes from Isaiah 40. Verses 29 through 31 in the Passion Translation says, "He empowers the feeble and infuses the powerless with increasing strength. Even young people faint and get exhausted; athletic ones may stumble and fall. But those who entwine their hearts with Yahweh (wait on Yahweh), will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings, and fly like eagles, run their race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up.” Just as the eagle was created by God to soar in the heavens, so are we. Think about the fact that eagles were created to soar above the storms. Likewise, God wants us to have a heavenly perspective on the storms of life. He wants us to draw near to Him to look at the events of life through His eyes. Psalm 103 talks about the benefits God gives to us so that our "youth is renewed like the eagles." (Verse 5) Renewed means to make new or restore. John 10:10b nails it down for us. "...I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." God is always directing us to go higher with Him. That is where the waiting comes in. As we wait upon Him, He comes to be closer to us. Like the mother eagle, Jackie, God will go do extraordinary lengths to protect us and grow us up in His image. We must see every situation in our lives through His perspective. As we mount up to draw closer to the Lord, He will impart fresh vision and strength. Every four years we experience a leap year which means that we have 366 days in the year instead of 365. It actually takes 365.242190 days for the earth to orbit the sun. Without the adjustment, the seasons "drift." So, one day is added to our calendars at the end of February. The Hebrew calendar also has a leap year. However, it is necessary for their calendar to have an entire month added to it so that their holidays fall in the proper season. The Bible makes it clear that the first month (Nisan) is to occur in the spring and the seventh month (Tishrei) during the fall harvest. In addition, since the Hebrew calendar is lunar, and our calendar is solar, the leap year helps correct the imbalance between the two calendars. There are seven leap years every nineteen years in the Hebrew calendar.
The last month on the Hebrew calendar is Adar. Since this is a leap year, we have an extra Adar month. Though Purim is celebrated during Adar II, we should still connect to the aspects of this month during Adar I. Adar means strength. God tells us in Isaiah 40:29-31, "He gives strength to the weary and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youth grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary." (NAS) What a promise! Earlier in Isaiah 40 it explains that all creation should make a way for the Lord as His Word "stands forever." (Isaiah 40:8) He comes to comfort His people and assures them of this: "Behold, the Lord God will come with might, with His arm ruling for Him. Behold, His reward is with Him and His recompense before Him." (Isaiah 40:10 - NAS) The chapter goes on to rejoice in the characteristics of the Lord that include the truth that He made all creation, and that justice, knowledge, and understanding are His. Verse 18 asks an important question: "To whom will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare with Him?" (NAS) "Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars. The One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name. Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, not one of them is missing...Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired; His understanding is inscrutable." (Verses 26 and 28 - NAS) God gives strength to us through joy. As it says in Nehemiah 8:10, "The joy of the Lord is our strength.” This word was given to God's people after Ezra the priest read the law to them. Verse 12 of Chapter 8 tells us that all the people "celebrated with great joy, because they understood the words that had been made known to them." Since God is the Word (John 1:1) this explains Psalm 16:11. "...In Your presence is fullness of joy." (NAS) Isn't it wonderful that during this leap year we can focus on having two months of strength and joy? Being in the Lord's presence is the key to both gifts. The third chapter of James in the New Testament gives us pictures of the power of our tongues. The Passion Translation is very descriptive. "Horses have bits and bridles in their mouths so that we can control and guide their large body. And the same with mighty ships, though they are massive and driven by fierce winds, yet they are steered by a tiny rudder at the direction of the person at the helm. And so, the tongue is a small part of the body, yet it carries great power! (The Aramaic can be translated, "The tongue has dominion.") Just think of how a small flame can set a huge forest ablaze. And the tongue is a fire! It can be compared to the sum total of wickedness, and is the most dangerous part of our human body. It corrupts the entire body and is a hellish flame! It releases a fire that can burn throughout the course of human existence." (James 3:3-6)
Proverbs 18:21 summarizes the verses of James in one sentence: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (NAS) Let's say this another way. There are only two kingdoms: The Kingdom of Heaven or Light and the Kingdom of Darkness. When we use our tongues to speak, our words always agree with one kingdom or the other. And our words will determine whether we are blessed or cursed. It is wise for us to remember the truth that we have been made in the image of God, so we have power as He does to bless or curse ourselves or others with our tongues. When God decided to bring judgment on a rebellious nation, He frequently pronounced a curse over them. Yet the foundation of God's throne is righteousness and justice. (Psalm 89:14) He gives us opportunities to come out from under a curse and into blessings. We must also be aware that family members or associates may have pronounced curses over us. Again, God gives us a way to be free of all of them. Derek Prince's book Blessing or Curse - You Can Choose, gives us a seven-step way to move into God's blessings: 1. "Confess faith in Christ and His sacrifice on your behalf. 2. Repent of all your rebellion and your sins. 3. Claim forgiveness of all sin. (This is the greatest barrier that keeps God's blessings from us.) 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' (1 John 1:9) 4. Forgive all other people who have ever harmed or wronged you. 5. Renounce all contact with anything occult or satanic. 6. You are now ready to pray the prayer of release from any curse. Here it is: 'Lord Jesus, I believe that on the cross you took on Yourself every curse that could ever come upon me. So, I ask you now to release me from every curse over my life, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! By faith I now receive my release, and I thank you for it.' 7. Now believe that you have received, and go on in God's blessing!” (Taken from pages 210-217 of Derek's book) God has creative ways to release blessings into our lives. We must accept that He will do so in His way and in His timing. The Lord has a storehouse of blessings for us that will help us to reach our destinies. Derek Prince says, "We must depend upon the Holy Spirit to guide us into our full inheritance and to show us how to appropriate what God has provided for us." (Page 224) In the meantime, we have the responsibility to make positive confessions that will release the ministry of Jesus to help us. Matthew 12:37 says, "For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned." Here is the key to receiving God's blessing according to Derek Prince: Start with proclamation and then proceed to thanksgiving and praise. When we proclaim our faith aloud it draws the Lord into our presence and shakes the demonic forces as truth is being proclaimed. Thanksgiving and praise release God's intervention on our behalf. Romans 10:17 tells us, "Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ." (NAS) Proclamation, thanksgiving, and praise help us to express and build our faith in God. Let's take the initiative in doing this. |
Joan E. MathiasCategories
January 2025