Every person on the earth has been uniquely made for a unique purpose, both individually and corporately. One single person carrying the light of Jesus can dispel the darkness. The light of Christ shines even brighter when many Believers join in unity.
As I drove past fields of bright, white, freshly fallen snow in the morning light, I remembered God made each snowflake to be unique, just like us. The wonder of this does not escape many and speaks of the magnificence of our Creator. Kenneth Libbrecht, author of The Little Book of Snowflakes, says this: "We do not yet understand all the subtle mysteries of snowflakes. Exactly how the simple interactions of water molecules produce such a dramatic diversity of structures remains a puzzle." He continues, “It would seem that nature cannot be content in producing a plain snowflake. Even the simplest hexagon of ice, no larger than the head of a pin, must be decorated with its own unique pattern." Libbrecht knows of what he writes about; he takes pictures of thousands of snowflakes with his photomicroscope. The human eye can catch a glimpse of one snowflake, but it takes special equipment to see the detail and inner beauty of a flake. For human beings, we must look within a person to see his or her God-given, special qualities. The Lord saw the shepherd boy David differently than His prophet Samuel. "...The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7) God placed within each of us inner beauty and gifts; we are made in His image. The Lord's desire is that we shine the light of Christ brightly. Think how bright and beautiful a congregation of us in unity would be! One snow flake looks pretty falling from the sky, but a congregation of flakes is so bright in reflecting the sun that one can hardly look directly at them. As we take in the life of God's Son and gather together, we too will reflect His brightness. It is the purity of white snow that makes it able to reflect the light of the sun so brightly. Likewise, the purity of our souls allows the light of The Son to reflect off of us. Here is what Solomon says in Proverbs 13:9. “The light of the righteous shines brightly." Be reminded, as you look at the spectacular scenes of snow, that we are made in His image, to be pure and holy, like Him, so that we can reflect His light and beauty to the world. Here is what Jesus taught, as is written in Matthew 5:16. "...Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise Your Father in heaven." |
Joan E. MathiasCategories
September 2024