The entire month of Nissan is one of festivals and is a time that will set the course for your future. While Hebrew years are numbered from the first of Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah), their months are numbered from Nissan. God instructed Moses and Aaron while they were still in Egypt. "This month (Nissan) shall be unto you the beginning of months: It shall be the first month of the year to you." (Exodus 12:2) God was preparing His people to leave the bondage of Egypt. He knew what was going to transpire over the next 15 days and wanted the significance of redemption, freedom and new life to be what the Israelites remembered as they celebrated the cycle of life and growth each year.
Nissan is the beginning of spring. Just as the farmer plants seed to grow into a crop that will be harvested later in the year, we have the opportunity to plant seeds to bring us a harvest. Since this is the month when God delivered His people out of bondage we must plant seeds of thankfulness. Interestingly, Nissan was originally called Abib which means an ear of corn or a stage of growth of grain when the seeds have reached their full size. Thankfulness is expressed in praise. This month is linked with the tribe of Judah (praise). When Israel went to battle Judah led the tribes. Praising God brought His Spirit into their presence and defeated the enemy. This is a season for us to war/praise for our covenant promises. As we praise the Lord for His faithfulness and goodness there will be breakthrough for the future. The entire month of Nissan is characterized by repentance, redemption and miracles. We are coming out of the dead of winter and see new life bursting forth all around us. It is time for us to evaluate our lives and position ourselves for the future. We want to align ourselves with God's plans and purposes. God set the course for His people before they came out of Egypt. Each household was to select a sacrificial lamb on the 10th of Nissan. (Exodus 12:3) The lamb was to be slaughtered on the 14th of the month. Blood from the Passover lamb was placed over the top and sides of the door frame of each home. The Israelites were to eat roasted lamb, bitter herbs and bread without yeast (signifying sin). (Exodus 12:6-8) Scripture says, "This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord--a lasting ordinance. For seven days you are to eat bread without yeast..." (Exodus 12:14-15) God redeemed His people. They walked out of Egypt and headed toward their Promised Land. The Israelites were privileged to see many miracles of God during this month. How could they not praise Him? No wonder God wants Nissan to be the head of the months! Forty years after the Exodus the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land during the first month. (Joshua 4:19) They brought the Lord a firstfruits offering of their grain harvest in the Promised Land. (Leviticus 23:10) The tradition of giving God a firstfruits offering during this month continues. We should remember that the resurrection of Jesus/Yeshua occurred at this time. This is our time to set the course for the year to come. We must align ourselves with God's plans and purposes. Declare your thanks and praise to Him. The blood of our Passover Lamb covers us. He has redeemed us and set us on a path of miracles. All praise be unto Him! |
Joan E. MathiasCategories
September 2024