Prophecies abound in the Old Testament about Christ's birth, life, and death. One that stands out is Psalm 22, because it blends predictions of both of Messiah's comings. It reminds us of His birth and that the birth of Yeshua, our Savior, was a precursor to His death. It gives a detailed description of the horrific death of Jesus on the Cross. Footnotes in The Passion Translation of the Bible tell us that 33 prophecies from Psalm 22 were fulfilled when Jesus was on the Cross. I find this particularly fascinating as Jesus lived on the earth for 33 years. Finally, it prophecies the birth of sons and daughters of the Lord, spiritual seed who will serve the Lord.
As we contemplate the birth of our Savior and rejoice in HIs coming during this season, we must remember what the Lord sacrificed in the humility of coming to earth as a baby. At his birth He was wrapped in cloths like the lambs who would be sacrificed at the Temple. Afterward He was laid in a manger (a feeding trough). I wonder about the level of consciousness that Jesus had while lying in the manger. Was He contemplating what would happen to Him in 33 years? Jesus would be moved from the manger to a cross. Later He would remember His Father's care for Him as a baby. "Lord, you delivered me safely from my mother's womb. You are the one who cared for me since I was a baby. Since the day I was born, I've been placed in your custody. You've cradled me throughout my days. I've trusted in you, and you've always been my God. So don't leave me now; stay close to me! For trouble is all around me, and there's no one else to help me." (Psalm 22:9-11 - TPT) The description of the horrors perpetrated against Jesus are not for the faint of heart. Our minds cannot comprehend the torture He endured. Jesus cried out, "But look at me now; I am like a woeful worm, crushed, and I'm bleeding crimson. I don't even look like a man anymore. I've been abused, despised, and scorned by everyone..." (Psalm 22 6,7 - TPT) That peaceful manger scene we look at during the Christmas season would change as the devil plotted to destroy the Son of God through cruel and calculated means. There is hope revealed in the prophecy of Psalm 22. Between verses 21 and 22 the powers of darkness have been defeated and the glorious resurrection of Jesus took place. "Save me from all the power of the enemy, from this roaring lion raging against me and the power of his dark horde. I will praise your name before all my brothers; as my people (The Church) gather I will praise you in their midst." (Psalm 22:21, 22 - TPT) The Lord's desire for intimacy with the individuals He created was accomplished as He brought Jesus from the cradle to the Cross. We, His spiritual children, are included in the prophecy: "From the four corners of the earth, the people of the world will remember and return to the Lord. Every nation will come and worship Him. For the Lord is King of all, who takes charge of all the nations...They will come and worship this worthy King! His spiritual seed shall serve Him. Future generations will hear from us about the wonders of the Sovereign Lord. His generation yet to be born will glorify Him. And they will all declare, 'It is finished!'" (Psalm 22:27-31 - TPT) We are His spiritual seed! Our celebration of the birth of Christ must include the celebration of His death and resurrection. Our responsibility as His seed is to be rooted and established in His love and to grow in that love so that we can spread it throughout our communities. We must understand that the manger of His love will lead us to our own cross that brings with it death and resurrection life. During this season, may God pour out His abundant love on us so that we are filled with wonder and awe at the plan of God for our salvation. |
Joan E. MathiasCategories
January 2025